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Respiratory System


In the respiratory system, each organ has a certain division of labor, from the nose to the bronchus at all levels is responsible for transmitting gas, of which the nasal cavity has the role of heating, wetting and cleaning the air, and can also resonate in the pronunciation. The pharynx is a muscular tube, the upper part of which communicates with the nasal cavity and mouth, the lower part with the larynx and trachea, and it is a common passage for food and gas. The trachea is made up of a dozen "C" shaped cartilage rings and smooth muscle between them, and the cartilage keeps the trachea open and keeps the gas smooth. Smooth muscle can change the diameter of the trachea, which is conducive to the expansion of the esophagus behind it, and facilitate the passage of food down. There are glands in the mucosa of trachea and bronchus, which can secrete mucus containing a variety of immunoglobulins (antibodies), and have antibacterial and antiviral effects.


Moreover, there are cilia on the surface of mucosal epithelial cells, which can constantly swing in the direction of the throat, moving the dusty mucus up, and finally coughing out of the body to form sputum. These unique and interesting structures gave me some ideas for designing maps. I can use these body defense mechanisms as challenges and traps on the way through.

Under the Dome


Under the Dome is a 2015 self-financed Chinese environmental documentary by Chai Jing, a former China Central Television journalist, concerning air pollution in China. The film tells the story of Chai Jing visiting multiple pollution sites to find the root causes of smog. This documentary has undoubtedly opened anotherwindow for the public to understand smog. This is not only a scientificpopularization of the haze phenomenon, but also a strong call for haze control. In order to make clear the serious consequences ofpollutants on human health, the film is also interspersed with animated short films. These animated shorts enable me to have an even more clear view of how viruses invade the human body and what the human body could do to defend those threats.


Pixel Art Style


IGN Japan’s vice editor-in-chief IMAI Shin tries to classify pixel arts in modern games using a two-dimensional graph with two axes. The horizontal axis indicates the “retro/future” spectrum and the vertical the “high-bit/low-bit” one. The scope of this diagram is limited to modern games, in particular indie ones, but it is useful enough for roughly understanding what kinds of pixel art there are in general and how they differ from each other. I’ve always been fascinated by pixel.After comparing different styles of pixel games, I finally chose avant-garde as the style of my game.

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